Saturday, December 14, 2019

6 Ways to Manage Stress at Work

6 Ways to Manage Stress at Work6 Ways to Manage Stress at Work Workplace stress touches most of us at one time or another. In fact, according to the American Institute of Stress , 80 percent of us feel stressed at work. Deadlines loom. Bosses make unrealistic demands. Restructuring means anxiety over job security. Although stressors may be an inherent part of work life, buckling under the pressure doesnt have to be.There are plenty of reasons to manage your workplace stress rather than accepting it as part and parcel of having a busy career. For starters, stress takes a heavy physical toll . It can cause headaches, stomach upset, irritability, flaute and even elevated blood pressure.Along with its emotional toll, prolonged job-related stress can drastically affect your physical health. Constant preoccupation with job responsibilities often leads to erratic eating habits and not enough exercise, resulting in weight problems, high blood pressure and elevated cholester ol levelsStress doesnt exactly make you more productive on the job, either. It can strip away your ability to concentrate and process complex thoughts. Stress can make it difficult to find the motivation to complete tasks, which creates a negative feedback loop when youre under pressure to perform.Sure, youre stressed. But do you actually know why? Many of us walk around on edge without ever taking a moment to uncover the source of our stress on a deep level.Lets say you often struggle to meet deadlines. Being behind the curve at work can be anxiety-inducing. Can you identify the underlying problems? Maybe a chatty coworker distracts you more frequently than you thought, or youre lured away from your tasks by social media. Now that youve identified the root of the issue, you can work on regaining your focus .If you respond to stress by coming home, opening a bag of chips and flinging yourself at the couch where youll binge-watch Netflix until you crawl off to bed, youre not doing y ourself any favors.Here are some better ways to combat stressIts tempting, especially when job stress is high, to push onward and be a martyr. We all like to come across as committed to our work. But is your commitment really shining through if youre stressed out all the time and less productive as a result?Trust us. You need a vacation . Taking time off to rejuvenate ultimately makes workers more productive . It can also reduce symptoms of stress like sleeplessness, fatigue and headaches. Return to work relaxed and refreshed and youll be better equipped to get things done.How often do you find yourself thinking, Ugh I should be getting my act togetherAll those shoulds tend to pile up on a person, creating stress. But learning to tune in to that interior monologue allows you to focus your thoughts. Mindfulness, and a practice called radical acceptance can help.Radical acceptance encourages you to look at distressing events as though youre a casual observer with no stakes in the game. You begin by simply describing what happened, and your role in it, in the most objective terms possible. Then you assess what you had control over in that particular situation, and what you didnt.Mindfulness challenges you to accept the things outside of your control. Why stress over things youre powerless to change? It also helps you shift your emotional response from negative to neutral, or even productive, by teaching you to channel your energies toward acting (taking ownership of the things you do have control over) rather than simply reacting.Dont be afraid to admit when youre in the weeds. Everyone gets overwhelmed from time to time, and theres no shame in asking for help when you truly need it.We tend to view asking for help as admitting defeat. But put yourself in your managers shoes. Would you rather an employee make excuses for not completing a project on time or to your satisfaction, or have that employee ask for help before disaster strikes?There are a few caveats to asking for help. First, make certain youve put in your best effort before you seek out assistance. Second, prepare any questions you have in advance. If you simply go to your boss with a complaint without offering any solutions, youll sound like youre whining rather than being proactive about solving a problem. Most of all, be sure you know the answer to the question your boss is likely to ask What do you need from me?When youre stressed out, it helps to take a few deep breaths and remember what you love about your job. Maybe the work is fulfilling, or you have great coworkers, or youre actually living the dream of being what you always wanted to be when you grew up. Its impossible to feel both grateful and fearful or angry at the same time, so remind yourself from time to time that there are good things about your job even when the stressors are mounting.Of course, if theres nothing to love anymore, it may be time to consider moving on. Work stress is a fact of life, but if copi ng strategies arent working and you dont see a light at the end of the tunnel, it may be time to hit the job boards in search of a better fit before stress takes a serious physical or emotional toll.This article was originally published on Grammarly . It is reprinted with permission.

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